Submission #421042

Source Code Expand

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -funbox-strict-fields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Complex
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import GHC.Exts (Word)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  n <- getInt
  abbs <- U.replicateM n getInt2
  U.mapM_ print $ solve abbs

solve :: U.Vector (Int, Int) -> U.Vector Int
solve (U.unzip -> (as, bs)) = (round . realPart) $
  U.take (2 * U.length as) $
  U.drop 1 $
  convolve (toC as) (toC bs)
    toC = fromIntegral . U.cons 0

convolve :: U.Vector (Complex Double) -> U.Vector (Complex Double) -> U.Vector (Complex Double)
convolve as bs = (*rt) $ U.take len $ ifft $ U.zipWith (*) (fft as') (fft bs')
    as' = extend n as
    bs' = extend n bs
    len = U.length as + U.length bs - 1
    n = 1 `shiftL` ((1+) $ bitScanReverse $ fromIntegral len)
    rt = recip $ fromIntegral n

    extend k xs = xs U.++ U.replicate (k - U.length xs) 0

fft :: U.Vector (Complex Double) -> U.Vector (Complex Double)
fft vec
  | U.length vec == 1 = vec
fft vec = U.generate n $ \i ->
  vec1 U.! (mod i nh) +
  vec2 U.! (mod i nh) * cis (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n * 2 * pi)
    vec1 = fft $ U.generate nh $ \i -> vec U.! (2 * i)
    vec2 = fft $ U.generate nh $ \i -> vec U.! (2 * i + 1)
    !n = U.length vec
    !nh = div n 2

ifft :: U.Vector (Complex Double) -> U.Vector (Complex Double)
ifft vec
  | U.length vec == 1 = vec
ifft vec = U.generate n $ \i ->
  vec1 U.! (mod i nh) +
  vec2 U.! (mod i nh) * cis (-fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n * 2 * pi)
    vec1 = ifft $ U.generate nh $ \i -> vec U.! (2 * i)
    vec2 = ifft $ U.generate nh $ \i -> vec U.! (2 * i + 1)
    !n = U.length vec
    !nh = div n 2

-- IO

getInt :: IO Int
getInt = readInt <$> BS.getLine

readInt :: BS.ByteString -> Int
readInt s = case BS.readInt s of
  Just (r, "") -> r
  _ -> error $ "not an integer: " ++ show s

getInt2 :: IO (Int, Int)
getInt2 = readInt2 <$> BS.getLine

readInt2 :: BS.ByteString -> (Int, Int)
readInt2 s = (v0, v1)
    !v = readIntsN 2 s
    !v0 = U.unsafeIndex v 0
    !v1 = U.unsafeIndex v 1

readIntsN :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> U.Vector Int
readIntsN n s0
  | U.length vec == n = vec
  | otherwise = error $ "readIntsN: expecting " ++ show n
    ++ " ints but got " ++ show (U.length vec)
    vec = U.unfoldrN (n+1) step s0
    step (BS.dropWhile (==' ') -> s)
      | s == "" = Nothing
      | Just (v, r) <- BS.readInt s = Just (v, r)
      | otherwise = error $ "not an integer: " ++ show s

-- Util

-- | Returns the position of the highest 1 in @w@. If @w@ is 0, returns @0@.
bitScanReverse :: Word -> Int
bitScanReverse w0 = snd $ f 1 $ f 2 $ f 4 $ f 8 $ f 16 $ f 32 (w0, 0)
    f k (!w, !acc)
      | w .&. mask /= 0 = (w `shiftR` k, acc + k)
      | otherwise = (w, acc)
        mask = complement 0 `shiftL` k
    {-# INLINE f #-}

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task C - 高速フーリエ変換
User mkotha
Language Haskell (Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0)
Score 100
Code Size 3663 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 4556 ms
Memory 63768 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 100 / 100
AC × 1
AC × 33
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 00_sample_01
All 00_sample_01, 01_00_01, 01_01_19, 01_02_31, 01_03_22, 01_04_31, 01_05_40, 01_06_15, 01_07_39, 01_08_28, 01_09_30, 01_10_23, 01_11_33, 01_12_11, 01_13_28, 01_14_41, 01_15_26, 01_16_49, 01_17_34, 01_18_02, 01_19_33, 01_20_29, 02_00_51254, 02_01_82431, 02_02_17056, 02_03_34866, 02_04_6779, 02_05_65534, 02_06_65535, 02_07_65536, 02_08_65537, 02_09_65538, 02_10_100000
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00_sample_01 AC 29 ms 1432 KB
01_00_01 AC 29 ms 1420 KB
01_01_19 AC 31 ms 1692 KB
01_02_31 AC 29 ms 1688 KB
01_03_22 AC 29 ms 1684 KB
01_04_31 AC 29 ms 1696 KB
01_05_40 AC 32 ms 1816 KB
01_06_15 AC 30 ms 1480 KB
01_07_39 AC 30 ms 1944 KB
01_08_28 AC 29 ms 1688 KB
01_09_30 AC 30 ms 1684 KB
01_10_23 AC 28 ms 1720 KB
01_11_33 AC 31 ms 1892 KB
01_12_11 AC 29 ms 1564 KB
01_13_28 AC 32 ms 1808 KB
01_14_41 AC 31 ms 1896 KB
01_15_26 AC 32 ms 1724 KB
01_16_49 AC 32 ms 1904 KB
01_17_34 AC 31 ms 1908 KB
01_18_02 AC 29 ms 1432 KB
01_19_33 AC 30 ms 1944 KB
01_20_29 AC 30 ms 1692 KB
02_00_51254 AC 2212 ms 35220 KB
02_01_82431 AC 4501 ms 63760 KB
02_02_17056 AC 1057 ms 17684 KB
02_03_34866 AC 2163 ms 34004 KB
02_04_6779 AC 273 ms 5396 KB
02_05_65534 AC 2249 ms 37400 KB
02_06_65535 AC 2229 ms 36056 KB
02_07_65536 AC 4508 ms 62676 KB
02_08_65537 AC 4556 ms 62712 KB
02_09_65538 AC 4503 ms 62752 KB
02_10_100000 AC 4550 ms 63768 KB